IELTS Writing Task 2: Discuss Both Views And Give Your Opinion

Dạng bài Discuss Both Views And Give Your Opinion là một trong những dạng bài khá phổ biến trong IELTS Writing Task 2. Dạng này yêu cầu chúng ta một lúc thảo luận cả hai mặt của một vấn đề, và bạn sẽ ủng hộ quan điểm nào. Bài viết dưới đây About IELTS sẽ chia sẻ cho bạn cách viết dạng bài Discuss Both Views And Give Your Opinion này nhé!

I. Xác Định Dạng Bài Discuss Both View And Giving Your Opinion

Hãy nhìn những câu hỏi dưới đây và chọn một câu hỏi mà bạn cho rằng thuộc dạng Discuss both view and give your own opinion.

a. Computers are being used more and more in education and so there will soon be no role for the teacher in education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

b. Computers are being used more and more in education. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

c. Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative consequences. Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

Trả lời:
a. To what extend do you agree or disagree?

-> Đây là dạng Opinion vì đề bài hỏi chúng ta có đồng ý hay không (agree or disagree).

b. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your own opinion.

-> Đây là dạng Advantages and Disadvantages vì nó yêu câu chúng thảo luận 2 về mặt tích và tiêu cực (Discuss the advantages and disadvantages)

c. Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

-> Đây là dạng Discussion vì nó yêu câu chúng thảo luận 2 quan điểm (Discuss both sides)

Một số Ví Dụ Về Dạng Bài Discuss Both View And Give Your Own Opinion

  • Blood sports have become a hot topic for debate in recent years. As society develops it is increasingly seen as an uncivilized activity and cruel to the helpless animals that are killed. All blood sports should be banned. Discuss the main arguments for this statement and give your own opinion.
  • Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route toa successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  • Some people think that job satisfaction is more important than job security while some people think that they cannot always expect job satisfaction, apermanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  • Some people think using private transport is more advantageous. However, others say the use of public transport has more benefits.
    Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Có thể thấy các đề của dạng này thương yêu cầu bạn phân tích 2 quan điểm của một vấn đề (Discuss both views/the main arguments) và đưa ra quan điểm (give your opinion)

Xem thêm các dạng bài trong IELTS Writing Task 2:

II. Cách Viết Dạng Discuss Both View And Give Your Own Opinion

Introduction (Mở bài)

  • Paraphrase lại đề bài
  • Các bạn là phải đưa ý kiến của bạn vào câu 2 của đoạn Introduction, tức là phải trả lời rõ ràng là bạn Agree với ý kiến nào trong 2 ý kiến đề đưa ra.

Example: Some people think using private transport is more advantageous. However, others say the use of public transport has more benefits.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

–> It is controversial whether using means of private or public transport is more beneficial. Although both viewpoints are convincing, I prefer the second perspective.

Body (Thân Bài)

Main Body Paragraph 1 (Đoạn Thân Bài Thứ Nhất) 

Ở phần đoạn thân bài thứ nhất này các bạn sẽ viết về quan điểm mà bạn không ủng hộ.

  • On the one hand, nêu ra 1 lí do vì sao người ta lại ủng hộ quan điểm thứ 1
  • Giải thích và đưa ra luận cứ để hỗ trợ
  • Đưa ra ví dụ

Main Body Paragraph 2 (Đoạn Thân Bài Thứ Hai)

Ở đoạn thân bài thứ hai này các bạn sẽ viết về quan điểm mà bạn ủng hộ.

  • On the other hand, nêu ra 2 lí do vì sao người ta lại ủng hộ quan điểm còn lại
  • Giải thích và đưa ra luận cứ để hỗ trợ cho mỗi lí do
  • Đưa ra ví dụ

Đưa ra các luận cứ để ủng hộ luận điểm bản thân.

Conclusion (Kết Luận)

Khẳng định lại là bạn ủng hộ quan điểm nào trong hai quan điểm trên.

  • All things considered, although/ despite the fact that both views are convincing, I am in favor of the first/second perspective. This is simply because (of) … and…


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III Bài Tập Và Ví Dụ Của Một Bài Discuss Both Views & Give Your Opinions IELTS Writing Task 2 Hoàn Chỉnh

Bài Tập

Dưới đây là các phần của một bài essay Discussion những chúng lại bị đảo thứ tự. Các bạn hãy thử sắp xếp lại thứ tự để hoàn thành bài viết.

d. Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

a. When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education. While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue that it is better to go to college or university.

c. The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career, young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to promotions and a successful career.

b. On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies. Firstly, academic qualifications are required in many professions. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree. As a result, university graduates have access to more and better job opportunities, and they tend to earn higher salaries than those with fewer qualifications. Secondly, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company. Young people who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete.

e. For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.

Đáp Án

Dưới đây là bài viết ví dụ hoàn chỉnh của Thầy Simon sau khi sắp xếp các ý lại với nhau.

Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career, while others believe that it is better to get a job straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education. While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue that it is better to go to college or university.

The option to start work straight after school is attractive for several reasons. Many young people want to start earning money as soon as possible. In this way, they can become independent, and they will be able to afford their own house or start a family. In terms of their career, young people who decide to find work, rather than continue their studies, may progress more quickly. They will have the chance to gain real experience and learn practical skills related to their chosen profession. This may lead to promotions and a successful career.

On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial for students to continue their studies. Firstly, academic qualifications are required in many professions. For example, it is impossible to become a doctor, teacher or lawyer without having the relevant degree. As a result, university graduates have access to more and better job opportunities, and they tend to earn higher salaries than those with fewer qualifications. Secondly, the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and sometimes there are hundreds of applicants for one position in a company. Young people who do not have qualifications from a university or college will not be able to compete.

For the reasons mentioned above, it seems to me that students are more likely to be successful in their careers if they continue their studies beyond school level.

(271 words, band 9)