IELTS Speaking Sample Answer topic Business

Cùng tìm hiểu và luyện tập để trả lời ghi điểm câu hỏi IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a successful small business nhé các bạn. Đây là một câu hỏi cũng thường xuất hiện trong bài thi Speaking đó.

Describe a successful small business

I. Skill-developing exercises

1. Lexical resource

Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

Well, it is obvious that there is a new (boom) ___________ trend of start-ups in my city; however, not all of them are (success)__________. One of the (business) ___________ that I think is the most successful is Cora, a chain of café boutiques and bakery shops.

2. Grammar

Bài 2: Chia các động từ trong ngoặc sau đây ở thì phù hợp.

I remember 2 years ago, they only (1) (have) __________one business in our city. It quickly became one of the favorite spots for the youth to get together. Now they (2) (expand)__________ with franchises in almost every corner of my city. The name “Cora” has become a phenomenon and it (3) (spread) __________by word of mouth, and a friend of mine told me about this brand – the owner of this famous chain was a young man, who was only 27 years old when he (4) (found) __________Cora.

3. Pronunciation

Bài 3: Hãy viết từ hoàn chỉnh bên cạnh những phiên âm sau đây.
Since I have always taken an (/ˈæv.ɪd/)___________interest in opening up a small café of my own, I really admire his work and (/ˌded.ɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/)____________. As you know, he has successfully created an ideal place for modern and (/ˌen.əˈdʒet.ɪk/)_____________food lover, and has also introduced the foreign lifestyle to our city.

4. Coherence

Bài 4: Với mỗi chỗ trống, hãy khoanh tròn phương án chính xác nhất.

(1)___ I visit this restaurant, it is always full (2)___ this applies to all other Cora locations in our city, not just one specific place.
Recently, the group has announced that it has raised a 1- million-dollar investment from overseas funds. (3)___ proves that the Cora chain is considered to have great (4)___ in further development and become even more (5)___ in the future.

1. A. Even when B. Every time C. Once again

2. A. but   B. so  C. and

3. A. Which B. Therefore  C. This

4. A. potential B. ability  C. skill

5. A. successful  B. succeeding C. successor

II. Sample answer

1. Cue card

Describe a successful small business.

You should say about:

– Name of the business;

– Which kind of goods/service it provides;

– Why it is successful.

2. Suggested answer

Describe a successful small business.

A: Well, it is obvious that there is a new booming trend of start-ups in my city; however, not all of them are successful. One of the businesses that I think is the most successful is Cora, a chain of café boutiques and bakery.

R: I remember 2 years ago, they only had one business in our city. It quickly became one of the favorite spots for the youth to get together. Now they have expanded with franchises in almost every corner of my city. The name “Cora” has become a phenomenon and it has spread by word of mouth, and a friend of mine told me about this brand – the owner of this famous chain was a young man, who was only 27 years old when he founded Cora.

E: Since I have always taken an avid interest in opening up a small café of my own, I really admire his work and dedication. As you know, he has successfully created an ideal place for modern and energetic food lover, and has also introduced the foreign lifestyle to our city.

Every time I visit this restaurant, it is always full and this applies to all other Cora locations in our city, not just one specific place.

Recently, the group has announced that it has raised a 1- million-dollar investment from overseas funds. This proves that the Cora chain is considered to have great potential in further development and become even more successful in the future.

III. Useful expressions

1. Vocabulary

• Start-up (n) /ˈstɑːrt.ʌp/:  doanh nghiệp khởi nghiệp

• Booming (adj) /ˈbuː.mɪŋ/:  bùng nổ

• Phenomenon (n) /fəˈnɑː.mə.nɑːn/:  hiện tượng (= sensation (n) /senˈseɪ.ʃən/)

• She has become an Internet sensation for her tutorial make-up videos on Youtube.

• Spot (n) /spɑːt/: địa điểm (= place (n) /pleɪs/)

• Monsoon Festival which is held annually is an ideal place for the young to enjoy good music from various artists.

• Franchise (n) /ˈfræn.tʃaɪz/ : Cửa hàng nhượng quyền thương hiệu

• Potential (n/adj) /poʊˈten.ʃəl/: tiềm năng

2. Structures

• It is obvious that…: Hiển nhiên là

It is obvious that smoking is harmful to our health.

• In almost every corner of St: Ở mọi ngõ ngách của cái gì

The atmosphere of Tet has spread in almost every corner of Hanoi.

• To take an avid interest in St: cực kỳ yêu thích cái gì

I take an avid interest in seeing science-fiction movie.

• To raise investment: gây quỹ đầu tư

Last year, her company raised $500,000 investment from an angel investor.

• To introduce St to/ into St: đưa/ giới thiệu cái gì đến với cái gì

They have been successful in introducing a new breed of bees into Australia.

3. Idioms

• By word of mouth: truyền miệng

The story about that hero has spread by word of mouth.

Đáp án:


Booming, successful, businesses


1. had

2. have expanded

3. has spread

4. founded


avid, dedication, energetic


1. Every time 2. and 3. this 4. potential 5. Successful