IELTS Speaking Sample Answer topic Food and Cooking

Food and Cooking là một chủ đề thường gặp trong IELTS Speakingvới những câu hỏi riêng về món ăn bạn yêu thích, món ăn nổi tiếng ở quê hương bạn hay chế độ ăn uống như thế nào…Hôm nay, IELTS Fighter tiếp tục giới thiệu đến bạn những câu hỏi và bài mẫu band 8 về topic này nhé. Chúng ta bắt đầu bài học thôi nào.


Question 1:  Let’s talk about food? What’s your favorite food?

Answer: Well, I would say that I’m not a picky eater and I can eat like the whole universe. But if i have to choose, I would definitely go for Vietnamese traditional cuisine because although it does not win any points for complexity, it is all about the combination of fresh ingredients, intense flavours, and ease of cooking and preparation, so it wins my heart.

Từ vựng hữu ích:

  • Picky (adj) /ˈpɪki/: kén chọn
  • Cuisine (n) /kwɪˈziːn/: ẩm thực, phong cách nấu nướng
  • Complexity (n) /kəmˈpleksəti/: sự phức tạp, tốn nhiều công sức
  • Fresh ingredients /freʃ ɪnˈɡriːdiənt//: nguyên liệu tươi mới
  • Intense flavours /ɪnˈtens ˈfleɪvər/: hương vị đậm đà
  • Ease (n) /iːz/: sự dễ dàng, không phải gặp khó khăn gì

Question 2: Are there any food you dislike?

Answer: Well of course, there is this one particular kind of food which I don’t like, the one that stinks. I can’t eat things that are too smelly, for example, durian, shrimp paste, stinky tofu. I just cannot stand the smells of them

Từ vựng hữu ích

Stink (v) /stɪŋk/: bốc mùi, có mùi khó chịu

Smelly (adj) /ˈsmeli/ có mùi khó chịu. Từ đồng nghĩa stinking

Question 3. What are some traditional food in your country?

Answer: Obviously, there’s a mixed variety of food in my country. But I guess the most popular one would probably be pho, since Vietnam is world-famous for it. It’s tasty, cheap and available at all hours. In some places, it costs you like 20.000dong for a steaming hot bowl of Pho. And also, you might find some other things like bun cha, bun bo hue, banh xeo, etc,. they are all very delicious.

Question 4: Do you have a healthy diet?

Answer: Actually, I don’t. But I try to eat clean and eat green everyday because highly-processed foods or low-quality foods are linked to obesity and an increased risk of heart disease, and in some cases, cancer. So it’s vital for me and for everyone to stay healthy by eating clean in order to not only manage your weight but also help you build a stronger immune system and increase your energy levels.

Từ vựng hữu ích

  • Pocessed food /prəˈsest fuːd/: đồ ăn chế biến sẵn
  • Low-quality food: đồ ăn kém chất lượng
  • Obesity (n) /oʊˈbiːsəti/: bệnh béo phì
  • Immune system /ɪˈmjuːn sɪstəm/: hệ miễn dịch
  • Energy levels: mức năng lượng

5. Who does the cooking in your family? Why?

My mother does all the cooking at my home. I guess I am blessed for having such a talented mother, who happens to be a retired cook. I have always had some sort of a fitness plan, but my mother’s home-cooked meals somehow have stood in the way, so I suppose I just have to live with that.

6. Did you learn how to cook when you were younger?

No, actually I didn’t learn how to cook when I was a child. I grew up with working parents, and they were always up to their ears, so cooking, let alone teaching me how to cook, was nearly impossible for them. When I was small, my meals usually rotated around fast food, frozen food and takeaways.

7. Do you think Vietnamese people’s diet is healthy?

Yes, a lot of Vietnamese people pay attention to the food we eat, and many of us like eating soup or vegetables. I think that’s pretty healthy. But I have to admit that nowadays because of the fast pace of life, many people have to choose junk food for lunch, which is usually not healthy.

8. Do you like tasting new food?

Yes, whenever I travel to a new place, I always try my best to find the famous local food to have a taste. Most of the dishes are incredible, except for some spicy Thai tom yum paste I tried when I was in Bangkok last summer. Let just say that it is the type of food that can haunt me for life.

Từ vựng hay:

Bless(v): phù hộ – be blessed to: may mắn có được điều gì

Fitness plan: kế hoạch tập thể thao

Stand in the way: cản đường, cản ai khỏi việc làm gì

Working parents: bố mẹ là người đi làm

Be up to their ears: bận ngập đầu

Rotate around: quay xung quanh

Takeaways: đồ ăn mang về

Pay attention to: chú ý đến cái gì

The fast pace of life: nhịp độ nhanh của cuộc sống

Have a taste: nếm, thử một món mới

1. Have you ever tried foreign food?

As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported beverages are no exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese bubble milk tea, which are considered the most popular among Vietnamese youngsters.

2. Do you like to try new food?

I’m all about experiencing new things, but new foods are off limit. I mean, there are a number of foods that can literally haunt me for life. For example, Mam Tom, which is a type of stinky and pungent shrimp paste used in many Vietnamese dishes, is a kind of food that really puts me off.

3. What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?

Recently I’ve been thinking about healthy eating, so I’ve tried my best to find a snack that is both scrumptious and low-carb. And finally I found Sua Chua Nep Cam, which is a mixture of brown glutinous rice and unsweetened yogurt. I have eaten this on a daily basis, and now I’ve lost 2kg.

4. Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?

Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some time in this country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and Guangzhou homemade noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream about feasting on these incredible dishes.

5. Do you like to cook?

Not really, to be honest. Most of the time I eat ready meals and take-aways, that’s one of the reasons I love visiting my mum because I can always enjoy lovely home-cooked food.

6. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?

No, I don’t think so. Cooking for other people is a particular pleasure, but for people who have time only. I guess there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you love tucking into something you’ve cooked yourself.

7. What time do you usually eat dinner?

We have our main meal at around 7.00, which I’m usually starving hungry by then. In fact, I often grab a bite to eat as soon as I get home from school.

8. Will you change your diet habit?

Yes, I’d like to make some changes. I actually eat too much junk food, which really makes me fat and unhealthy. In the future, I think I should learn how to cook by myself so that I could make healthy and delicious food at home.

9. What do you enjoy the most about a meal?

Well, it is undoubtedly the dessert. I have a sweet tooth, that’s why I always look forward to a piece of cake or a fruit tart after having my meal. I often spay a big layer of whipping cream on my dessert, as it makes the dish look way more mouth-watering.

Từ vựng hay: 

Foodie /ˈfuːdi/: người sành ăn

Imported beverages /ɪmˈpɔːtɪd ˈbɛv(ə)rɪdʒ/: thức uống nhập khẩu

Haunt /hɔːnt/: ám ảnh

Put off /ˈpʌt ɒf/: làm (ai đó) phát ớn

Scrumptious /ˈskrʌm(p)ʃəs/: ngon miệng

Unsweetened /ʌnˈswiːt(ə)nd/: không đường

Drool over /druːl ˈəʊvə/: chảy dãi

Get the munchies /ɡɛt ðə mʌntʃɪz/: đói bụng

Daydream /ˈdeɪdriːm/: mơ màng (giữa ban ngày)

Feast on /fiːst ɒn/: ăn thoả thích

Ready meal /ˈrɛdi miːl/: bữa ăn mua sẵn

Take-away /teɪk əˈweɪ/: thức ăn mua mang về

Home-cooked food /həʊm kʊkt fuːd/: đồ ăn nấu tại nhà

Tuck into /tʌk ɪntʊ/: ăn uống ngon lành

Starving hungry /ˈstɑːvɪŋ hʌŋɡri/: rất đói

Grab a bite to eat /ɡrab ə bʌɪt tə iːt/: ăn tạm

Junk food /dʒʌŋk fuːd/: đồ ăn vặt

Dessert /dɪˈzəːt/: món tráng miệng

Have a sweet tooth /hav ə swiːt tuːθ/: thích ăn vặt

Mouth-watering /maʊθ wɔːtərɪŋ/: (món ăn) làm chảy nước miếng

Liên quan đến food, còn có foreign food với các câu hỏi:

1. Have you ever tried foreign food?

As a foodie, of course I have tasted different kinds of food, and imported food and beverages are no exception. My top two favorites are Italian pizza and Taiwanese bubble milk tea, which are considered the most popular among Vietnamese youngsters.

2. Do you like to try new food?

I’m all about experiencing new things, but new foods are off limit. I mean, there are a number of foods that can literally haunt me for life. For example, Mam Tom, which is a type of stinky and pungent shrimp paste used in many Vietnamese dishes, is a kind of food that really puts me off.

3. What kinds of new foods have you tried recently?

Recently I’ve been thinking about healthy eating, so I’ve tried my best to find a snack that is both scrumptious and low-carb. And finally I found Sua Chua Nep Cam, which is a mixture of brown glutinous rice and unsweetened yogurt. I have eaten this on a daily basis, and now I’ve lost 2kg.

4. Do you like any food from other countries near Vietnam?

Of course I do. I have a profound passion for Chinese cuisine as I have spent some time in this country. I can spend hours drooling over Beijing roasted duck and Guangzhou homemade noodles. Whenever I’ve got the munchies, I just daydream about feasting on these incredible dishes.

Các cụm từ cần ghi nhớ

  • Foodie(n): người sành ăn
  • Off limit: ngoài giới hạn
  • Put sb off: làm ai thấy hãi
  • Scrumptious(adj): ngon miệng
  • Unsweetened(adj): không đường
  • Have a profound passion for: có niềm đam mê to lớn với cái gì
  • Drool over: chảy dãi, thèm thuồng cái gì
  • Got the munchies: đói bụng


Bên cạnh kiến thức như trên, các bạn tham khảo thêm một số câu trả lời mẫu cho IELTS Speaking Part 1 khác. Nguồn sưu tập từ các bài thi band 8,9 nổi bật.

1. Which foods from your country do most foreign people enjoy?

I think foreign people are always eager to try local and exotic foods. Tourists and foreigners eat our local and traditional foods in my country.

2. What kinds of meals do you like?

Oh, I adore different meat plates… My mouth is watering whenever I see roast beef, grilled chicken or pork chops… However, I don’t like to cook… That’s why I often eat ready meals and take-aways.

Từ vựng hữu ích:

  • Adore: thích, hâm mộ
  • Take-aways: đưa đi

3. Do you often eat dinner with your family or friends?

Well, I try to dinner with my family as often as possible… Unfortunately, I don’t have enough time for such dinners due to my busy schedule…

4. Are there any fruits or vegetables you don’t like?

Yes, there are… I’m not a fussy eater, but I really hate onions and seafood… I try to avoid meals that might contain these products…

5. Do you like cooking

Yes, I like to cook and to use fresh vegetables and try to get everything as organic as possible. I also like to eat no gluten whenever possible, no soy or dairy. Eating clean is important for my health and overall well-being.

Từ vựng:

– A fussy eater: Một người ăn kiêng

6. What kinds of food do you particularly like?

A: I really enjoy eating fresh fish, homegrown vegetables and fruits and on special occasions meat that comes from local farmers. I also enjoy fresh eggs from neighbors and family members.

7. Did you like chocolate as a child?

A: Of course! Until I discovered I had lactose intolerance, then I cut it out of my diet as it was making me ill. The ‘free from’ options are great, as I can enjoy chocolate without dairy or gluten.

8. Do you think most people like chocolate? Why?

A: Yes, as it is a lovely sweet treat. Chocolate can give you a sugar high and of course, it tastes delicious. There is nothing better than selecting chocolates and treating yourself after a long day or as a celebration. People enjoy it as a way of treating themselves.

9. What kinds of food are most popular in your country?

A: Fresh home grown vegetables, fruits and meat are part of the staple diet here in Greece. Particular dishes, such as kokinisto – beef cooked in a red wine sauce is popular, along with other signature dishes. Of course, a Greek salad is mandatory as well as a lot of olive oil in everything!

Trên dây là một số câu trả lời IELTS Speaking band 8 topic Food, các bạn tham khảo và thực hành nhé!